Ahlan Wa Sahlan Wa Marhaban

Pemanfaatan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Untuk Menentukan Status Gizi Balita Pada Posyandu Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto

29/03/2018 07:23


Children's nutritional problems are still a national problem. The hallmark of a healthy child is to be seen from growing and developing. To ensure and secure that the development of children under five is optimal and to anticipate the malnutrition that can affect toddlers, it is necessary techniques to assess the nutritional status of children. The nutritional status of children under five is necessary to be continuously monitored because the nutritional status of toddlers can be used as an illustration of the health, growth and development of children. To assist in determining the nutritional status of children, it is necessary information technology assistance. Decision Support System is a computer-based interactive system that can assist decision makers in using data and models to solve structured and unstructured problems. Fuzzy Tsukamoto is one of the most flexible and tolerant methods available, with more intuitive advantages, accepted by many parties, better suited for inputs received from humans rather than machines, it will facilitate the parties involved in monitoring growth Toddler. The results of this study in the form of Decision Support System to determine the Nutritional Status of Toddler-based Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is expected to be used in posyandu to monitor the growth of Toddlers so that children with malnutrition status get better and faster handling.

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